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Living and daily necessities

Or you can see for the hand bedding, interior and health and beauty products and materials, you will be able to experience. Please come feel free to.



Kiku pharmacy

Living and daily necessities

Since its inception in 1927, we have been aiming at the most local rich assortment and cheap to the motto. Thanks to its founding 90 years to serve the beauty and health, thank you as much as for your continued support of chrysanthemum Yakuho Izuro head office and each branch office in the future. In the chrysanthemum Yakuho Izuro head office, including the pharmaceutical and herbal medicine, and enjoy a holiday you'll never forget, such as cosmetics and health foods, health equipment and nursing care supplies and baby supplies.




Living and daily necessities

About 60 years of long-established and advanced to Tenmonkan. Store name is but "Barikando", we handle the kind rich Barber Beauty specialized equipment, shampoo, drug, duplicate key not only clippers. We look forward to welcoming everyone.



Shinseido pharmacy tenmonkan branch

Living and daily necessities

In Shinseido pharmacy, Chinese medicine consultation and medicines, sells, prescription dispensing, such as sales and self cosmetics of health food. The shop has focused on counseling, it is consult a variety of your worries, regardless of age. Professional staff will be happy to suggest the herbal medicine and health food and cosmetics to suit each guest. Please feel free to visit us by all means. Staff, we look forward to.




Living and daily necessities

Focusing on a variety of fabric items, interior shop that stocks a lot of original items to clothing and interior goods. Use the fabric purchased from all over the world "Let Kigaeyo the room" concept, carefully crafted and clothing in our factory, we are making those stuck in feeling, yet reasonable and cover ring.



Seo pharmacy

Living and daily necessities

You want to make sure that the body trouble is suffering occurred. It should there is always cause to it. Since human beings is always to have the uncanny ability to get back to the original, let's Yuki by the hand of press from where it was noticed. We will assist you. First, please call. Disease (Yamai) is cold and from tired! !



Chinese medicine store olivedo pharmacy

Living and daily necessities

Like your job, when poor physical condition, when it is likely to be crushed under stress, we introduce Chinese medicine to give me healthy in mind and body. To support the life of the woman is the traditional Chinese medicine. From the root of the menopause, breast cancer ... various trouble of tired-smartphone presbyopia, infertility, infertility of the stain, rough skin, stress fat, constipation, anemia, dizziness, headache, menstrual cramps, back pain, knee pain, eyes from Petit depression and the support to resolve. Diet is a muscle measurement and Kibisu herbal diet. And a spot-rough skin is olive natural beauty regimen. • The poor circulation, Shoju Sen and women treasure angelica glue is recommended - infertility is a Chinese medicine cycle therapy and ear moxa-dandelion. It is 300 people experience.



Futon Taishin

Living and daily necessities

Our shop, Izuro Dentoma before Yamagataya sequence, is Daishin of Kagoshima only of Osaka Nishikawa chain store futon before the Mizuho Bank. As bedding specialty store, we provide products and information on the latest bedding and comfortable sleep. In addition, (cleaning from 500 yen maintenance, until the re-tailoring our) care also please consult with confidence. Bed or bedroom can because you Futon'ya's, suggestions and healthy sleep, such as how to organize the closet that can be precisely because small shop, offers fine service. Founded with 50 years of wisdom and experience, is the shop of peace of mind and peace, such as back to home.




Living and daily necessities

Seria Raso Omotesando is "decorate the Color the days everyday." Concept, 100 yen shops, which aligned the colorful items. In addition, such as a kitchen, stationery and storage and interior, fulfilling also handmade materials such as tools of handicraft wrapping-making sweets. In addition to the basic items to blend into any style, also has stock after another cute new products that incorporate the epidemic. The store has a bright and clean, you can enjoy your shopping a pleasant space with a space. At any time we will wait for your visit.



Yonezawa contact

Living and daily necessities

In Yonezawa contact Nakamachi Berg shop, it offers a variety of "peace of mind" as available without anxiety to our customers.

結納品・祝儀用品の二見屋 (ふたみや)

結納品・祝儀用品の二見屋 (ふたみや)

Betrothal gift&supply Futamiya

Living and daily necessities

As your betrothal-congratulatory prize goods specialty stores, it will help carefully the pioneer of the wedding. National convention, we will explain the customs. Amanuensis inventory, Ukesho, by brush, such as gold seal is We will service.



Shinseido pharmacy main store

Living and daily necessities

It is familiar Shinseido pharmacy in the catchphrase of "herbal medicine of Shinseido drinkable not brewed." In medicine, herbal medicine, health food, cosmetics, miscellaneous goods, medical equipment and nursing care supplies, such as a wide assortment We look forward to your visit of everyone like. The prescription pharmacy also has a wide range of on demand.



Darumaya Cosmetics shop

Living and daily necessities

Cassie cosmetics, we handle chlorophyll, the Shiseido. Please consult your worries about your skin feel free to. 80 down old of poster girl (?) Also awaits you!

有限会社 丸新玩具

有限会社 丸新玩具

Marushin toy

Living and daily necessities

Now its founding more than 80 years Thanks. Baby and children's toys, of course, Boys' product hope the growth of healthy children (battledore, Hamayumi, chick ornaments, armor, helmet, carp, etc.) offers. In addition, such as Bon lanterns to remember the individual, we aim to help and create stores that tradition left now the hearts and minds of people traveling to Japan. Please visit us by all means to feel the four seasons of the Japanese mind.



Naya street Pony

Living and daily necessities

It is counseling and discount cosmetics store.




Living and daily necessities

Shibon will thoroughly support the clean-like lady. Shibon, it is Faye Sha list salon members exclusively has gotten patronize the cosmetics. The care of the salon, including facial care offers to the members like. In addition to the first one cosmetics and care you can try a trial plan 1500 yen Shibon (including tax) are also available. The skin of your worries tailored to cosmetics, you can check the changes in the care of before and after skin pack. Once by all means, please try to feel the skin to become beautiful.

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