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#【随時更新】新型コロナウイルスから天文館を守ろう!!#新型コロナウイルス対策に取り組む店を独自で認定する制度#天文館クリスマスイベント特集#天文館商店街のラーメン店#天文館3通り合同プレミアム付商品券使用可能店舗について#天文館みつばちプロジェクト 2022始まります。#センテラス天文館OPEN!#天文館オープン情報#【終了】天文館本通りハッピークリスマスコンサート#【終了】天文館交差点のアーケード設計等業者を募集します#【終了】天文館こどもフェスティバル#天文館通り電停前アーケードデザイン案に対する市民意見を募集します#【終了】照国表参道 フェスタ-Terukuni omotesandou festa-#【終了】キッズフリマ-センテラスホール#【終了】松丸亮吾トークショー#【終了】2023和装フェスINセンテラス天文館#天文館のビアガーデン#天文館はちみつ2023#【終了】兜展示&かぶり体験#【終了】第14回鹿児島天文館まちゼミの講座募集#みんなでつくるアーケード〜令和7年1月完成予定#【終了】照国ホコ天〜照国表参道 歩行者天国#【終了】土木フェスタ2023 in ぴらも〜る・天文館本通#【終了】2024 4館合同グルメ満載福袋#【終了】アサヒ生ビール 出張マルエフ横丁in鹿児島#【終了】NASU FARM VILLAGE POP UP#【終了】かごしまデザインアワード10回記念 トークショー&マルシェ#【終了】天文館のバレンタインデー#【終了】伝統的工芸品を体感しよう!in センテラス天文館#【終了】令和6年能登半島地震チャリティーイベント#【終了】鹿屋市×九州電力 カーボンニュートラルクイズラリー#【終了】大島紬フェスティバル 2024#黒ノ壽 展望春のビアホール#第4弾 Payどん×天文館プレミアムポイント#2024年8月3日、天文館六月灯ゆかた祭り無料着付けサービスのご案内#黒ノ壽 展望夏のビアホール#まるやのビアガーデン#【協賛のお願い】天文館六月灯ゆかた祭り#~ 天文館みつばちプロジェクト2024 ~#【終了】木下大サーカス半券クーポンサービス#納屋 弐番神輿 おぎおんさぁ 紹介動画


Izuro shopping street promotion association

Where to stay, play and other

Located in the ""front door"" of Kagoshima Tenmonkan, Izuro shopping district continues to develop as a town of ""merchant"" from the old days. The current union members 59, people who work in the street are as Board representative to 2,400 and the Kagoshima. To assess the five-year plan of ""next Izuro"" aims to ""fresh long-established"" shopping district. Youth Association of activities flourishing, events, workshops, exchange programs, also to contribute to society business we are actively participating. Customers receive Raimachi as ""communication"" and ""human resource development"" to the two pillars as well, we are implementing measures of Izuro satisfaction of the ""people"" working in Izuro. Also it will continue to work from now on 100 years as a top runner of the shopping district.



Able network

Where to stay, play and other

Nationwide about 800 network the room looking for the support ☆ Able network Tenmonkan shop of everyone in the store, so we have to start the entire city corresponding astronomical museum, according to everyone's needs, will be widely introduce. Since the cage is also female staff, we also many receiving your visit the person who one lives of women. Customer satisfaction best to you I am healthy allowed to open every day. So we will wait staff for your visit of everyone, not please drop us.


Pariya building

Where to stay, play and other

We are located in Tenmonkan arcade entrance, it is a rental shop and rental office building. In the basement, men's clothing of the second Paris, 1.2.3 floor, the drag store "Sun drag" shop we have tenants.



Tsuruya golf

Where to stay, play and other

There Brother building the first floor of Tenmonkan Izuro intersection. Tsuruya golf Kagoshima shop. We align a large number of products that can help depending on the season. Please come and visit us also those who are sports other than golf.



Nippon travel

Where to stay, play and other

"Journey" is, only if the net book even though it is convenient to decide it ♪ airline tickets and hotel to consult a travel company, Memorial travel and family travel, travel abroad Let's consult a professional. I went to Nippon Travel Agency will bulge like the image of "red balloon" to your trip! Travel of you, your family big event of. Travel will enrich your life. Maybe (...;) our staff will kindly support your trip. Yamagataya near Kinseicho bus stop before, but please feel free to contact us please to Nippon Travel Agency (^ o ^)



Mizuho bank

Where to stay, play and other

Welcomed the Kagoshima branch openings 100 anniversary, the aim of comprehensive financial point of contact, which is most trusted by our customers, will continue to contribute to the further development of Kagoshima. Overseas card available ATM installed.



Richmond hotel

Where to stay, play and other

We "Richmond Hotel Kagoshima Kinseicho" is human and naturally friendly, we aim to hotel to evolve for our customers. Location is located in the center of Kagoshima city, the downtown area of ​​southern Kyushu, also ferry terminal of astronomy museum and islands bound within walking distance and convenient location. The rooms are single, double, twin, are available all 9 type of Japanese and Western rooms, also available as a business and leisure, offices, such as shopping. In addition, in the first floor of a Japanese restaurant "Ineya", of course breakfast that was used in abundance Kagoshima of food, during the day also served as a full-scale Japanese, tavern at night, is recommended. When you come Come to your nearest Please use the our "Richmond Hotel Kagoshima Kinseicho".



Mitsui Sumitomo trust bank

Where to stay, play and other

We at Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, began the asset management consulting to focus on "long-term and dispersion and stability", suggestions, etc. of products and services related to inheritance, succession and gift, we offer a comprehensive range of consulting. ATM on the first floor, is to the second floor lobby to hear a variety of your procedure you can up the escalator. On the second floor is placed 6 seats to consult booth in consideration for privacy, We look forward to our customers.




Where to stay, play and other

In Mont-Bell Kagoshima shop, began climbing camp, bike, kayak, etc., we have a wide selection of clothing and gear to enjoy a variety of outdoor sports. Before going out to the field, to holiday shopping or your way home from work, please come and visit us. Also it organizes trekking tours. To among the large natural, let me together by all means.



Tokyo Shibuya dancer's school

Where to stay, play and other

Why do not you start a ballroom dancing? Anyone easily, help to enjoy. We will kindly polite lessons. Regardless beginner, experienced person. Also in the classroom private lessons, group lessons, individual lessons



Kino Japanese clothing

Where to stay, play and other

Band is signed in front of the body, turn to Kurutsu and back! It is kimono dressing classroom ""before concluding"" wearing method. Dressing is rhythm and a handful of tips. Please Experience once by all means.

株式会社 三越ホーム

株式会社 三越ホーム

Mitsukoshi home

Where to stay, play and other

We are handling a variety of real estate. Please feel free to contact us.



Kagoshima nail college

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The school, a meticulous guidance tailored to school students per person per person of pace, teachers with field experience will be happy to lecture with responsibility to qualification from enrollment. Manicurist The goal of school students, follow-up after graduation also facing wholeheartedly, is also thorough test measures.



Cortanu school

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This school, from absolute beginner never using essential oils, to those who aim to professional future of aroma, we have corresponding to all people. "Such how to use it there was a" followed by "such a wonderful ne No scent was also" a new discovery. This school, Public Interest Incorporated Orchestra Japan Aroma Environment Association, is also recommended for those who aim to accredited a so qualification Sogoshikaku. Aromatherapy course for mom in baby and child care. In addition, such as herbs and batch flower, also offers courses of nature's bounty to be incorporated into the life to other. Why do not you try to incorporate the power of plants to life?

(有)お仏壇の仁 久保

(有)お仏壇の仁 久保

Buddhist altar store Kimi Kubo

Where to stay, play and other

The industry's only national organization All Japan religion tool cooperative merchants Buddhist memorial service coordinator enrolled Organize workers enrolled relics



Carino tenmonkan

Where to stay, play and other

Renewed, lifestyle floor, such as a cafe and flower shop, the other, such as women's and men's fashion floor stocked up staple items from the trend item, is a commercial complex building, which features a clinic or office.[Fashion] [Food] [Bridal, Photo Studio] [Clinic] Various stores are waiting for you.

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