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#【随時更新】新型コロナウイルスから天文館を守ろう!!#新型コロナウイルス対策に取り組む店を独自で認定する制度#天文館クリスマスイベント特集#天文館商店街のラーメン店#天文館3通り合同プレミアム付商品券使用可能店舗について#天文館みつばちプロジェクト 2022始まります。#センテラス天文館OPEN!#天文館オープン情報#【終了】天文館本通りハッピークリスマスコンサート#【終了】天文館交差点のアーケード設計等業者を募集します#【終了】天文館こどもフェスティバル#天文館通り電停前アーケードデザイン案に対する市民意見を募集します#【終了】照国表参道 フェスタ-Terukuni omotesandou festa-#【終了】キッズフリマ-センテラスホール#【終了】松丸亮吾トークショー#【終了】第13回鹿児島天文館まちゼミの講座募集#【終了】2023和装フェスINセンテラス天文館#よかど鹿児島6月のイベント#天文館のビアガーデン#天文館はちみつ2023#【終了】鹿児島ジャズフェスティバル#【終了】兜展示&かぶり体験#第3弾 Payどん×天文館プレミアムポイント使用店舗リスト#【終了】第14回鹿児島天文館まちゼミの講座募集#みんなでつくるアーケード〜令和7年1月完成予定#【終了】照国ホコ天〜照国表参道 歩行者天国#【終了】土木フェスタ2023 in ぴらも〜る・天文館本通#【終了】2024 4館合同グルメ満載福袋#【終了】アサヒ生ビール 出張マルエフ横丁in鹿児島#【終了】NASU FARM VILLAGE POP UP#【終了】かごしまデザインアワード10回記念 トークショー&マルシェ#【終了】天文館のバレンタインデー#【終了】伝統的工芸品を体感しよう!in センテラス天文館#【終了】令和6年能登半島地震チャリティーイベント#【終了】鹿屋市×九州電力 カーボンニュートラルクイズラリー#【終了】大島紬フェスティバル 2024#黒ノ壽 展望春のビアホール#第4弾 Payどん×天文館プレミアムポイント#【終了】ソラニワマルシェ〜パンピクニック〜#よかど鹿児島マンスリーイベント#毎⽉15⽇はいづろハッピーデーからのご案内#天文館はちみつの採蜜体験#千石天神縁起市#まるやのビアガーデン#和装フェス2024inセンテラス天文館#やまかたや パンとカフェのマルシェ & 初夏に味わう!ワイン&フードフェア


Administrative scrivener corporation judicial scrivener office miraizu

Where to stay, play and other

A judicial scrivener, administrative scrivener, and financial planner are stationed there, aiming to solve customers problems with a one-stop service in collaboration with other professionals. We are engaged in operations such as [change], [establishment of company], [application for various permits], and [advancement].


Pariya building

Where to stay, play and other

We are located in Tenmonkan arcade entrance, it is a rental shop and rental office building. In the basement, men's clothing of the second Paris, 1.2.3 floor, the drag store "Sun drag" shop we have tenants.




Where to stay, play and other

You can direct consultation and application in QT mobile If the shop staff.

カラオケ&パーティー カラオケ館 天文館店

カラオケ&パーティー カラオケ館 天文館店


Where to stay, play and other

Immediately from the Tenmonkan tram stop toward the Jizo Kaku police box! The karaoke hall offers a variety of ways to enjoy karaoke boxes. We have rooms unique to the karaoke hall, such as party rooms where you can enjoy banquets, drinking parties, second parties, party parties, etc. with a large number of people.




Where to stay, play and other

Hello (^ - ^) is a mobile repair Suma Hospital Kagoshima store! Please leave if that repair from the iPhone or android terminal to the game machine! We are open in 3F of Seven-Eleven of the building, which is between the astronomical Hall Street and Tenpaku street! So we work hard so as to be changed ? troubled bright staff customers to "Thank you !!" thank you (^^) /

Shop&Gallery SOMETHING

Shop&Gallery SOMETHING

Shop&gallery Something

Where to stay, play and other

This is a rental gallery, conference room, and gallery shop for artists inside and outside Kagoshima Prefecture. We offer small and medium-sized rental rooms that are ideal for meetings, seminars, and interviews as venues for solo exhibitions, group exhibitions, exhibition sales. If you make a reservation in advance, you can use it from 8:00 in the morning to 22:00 in the evening.



Tsuruya golf

Where to stay, play and other

There Brother building the first floor of Tenmonkan Izuro intersection. Tsuruya golf Kagoshima shop. We align a large number of products that can help depending on the season. Please come and visit us also those who are sports other than golf.

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