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#【随時更新】新型コロナウイルスから天文館を守ろう!!#新型コロナウイルス対策に取り組む店を独自で認定する制度#天文館クリスマスイベント特集#天文館商店街のラーメン店#天文館3通り合同プレミアム付商品券使用可能店舗について#天文館みつばちプロジェクト 2022始まります。#センテラス天文館OPEN!#天文館オープン情報#【終了】天文館本通りハッピークリスマスコンサート#【終了】天文館交差点のアーケード設計等業者を募集します#【終了】天文館こどもフェスティバル#天文館通り電停前アーケードデザイン案に対する市民意見を募集します#【終了】照国表参道 フェスタ-Terukuni omotesandou festa-#【終了】キッズフリマ-センテラスホール#【終了】松丸亮吾トークショー#【終了】2023和装フェスINセンテラス天文館#天文館のビアガーデン#天文館はちみつ2023#【終了】兜展示&かぶり体験#【終了】第14回鹿児島天文館まちゼミの講座募集#みんなでつくるアーケード〜令和7年1月完成予定#【終了】照国ホコ天〜照国表参道 歩行者天国#【終了】土木フェスタ2023 in ぴらも〜る・天文館本通#【終了】2024 4館合同グルメ満載福袋#【終了】アサヒ生ビール 出張マルエフ横丁in鹿児島#【終了】NASU FARM VILLAGE POP UP#【終了】かごしまデザインアワード10回記念 トークショー&マルシェ#【終了】天文館のバレンタインデー#【終了】伝統的工芸品を体感しよう!in センテラス天文館#【終了】令和6年能登半島地震チャリティーイベント#【終了】鹿屋市×九州電力 カーボンニュートラルクイズラリー#【終了】大島紬フェスティバル 2024#黒ノ壽 展望春のビアホール#第4弾 Payどん×天文館プレミアムポイント#2024年8月3日、天文館六月灯ゆかた祭り無料着付けサービスのご案内#黒ノ壽 展望夏のビアホール#まるやのビアガーデン#【協賛のお願い】天文館六月灯ゆかた祭り#~ 天文館みつばちプロジェクト2024 ~#【終了】木下大サーカス半券クーポンサービス#納屋 弐番神輿 おぎおんさぁ 紹介動画
本格整体 ほぐし猫

本格整体 ほぐし猫

Chiropractic clinic hogushineko

Health and medical care

The customer is the relaxation salon regional lowest price that can carry the feel free to any number of times the foot. Price or more techniques (staff are all more than 5 years of experience) and environment (the store is all private-gown Free) will be happy to customer service to the motto of the feelings of "compassion" "thanks" in the.



Chuo contact

Health and medical care

If the astronomical museum shop'll have what can be seen of the data, such as "contact lens prescription," "your medicine notebook", you can "immediately purchase" but without inspection latency. (※ There is some exclusion product), so we have to share with the central contact Flower contact the national data, now more convenient familiar. Members like is please come after you bring your membership card. Reserve by phone, also available upon your order.



Nagata dental office

Health and medical care

Dental caries, periodontal disease, dentures, implants and jaw joint disorders, of course, also focus on conduct maintenance and cleaning after treatment. And adjust the engagement facial expressions and posture may also be improved. This dental clinic to produce a of everyone.



Arimura ophthalmological clinic

Health and medical care

Sunday (except for the year-end and New Year holidays, the Bon Festival · GW) holidays also has medical care.



Conditioning jim try

Health and medical care

Conditioning gym TRY will be opened 8 years. Young and old, from the performance-up of professional sports, health beauty, leading to functional beauty, you can realize that strength training which is directly connected to the activities of daily living. As day-to-day routine, in order to get out feel free to results, necessary action improvement, reflection, and balance necessary muscle exertion of your entire body is important. First of all, please come to feel free to free trial.

整体院薄桜樹×整体院さんさん×はりとマッサージの森Second Place

整体院薄桜樹×整体院さんさん×はりとマッサージの森Second Place

Chiropractic clinic Hakuoki, Sansan, acupuncture&massage Second Place

Health and medical care

And performs the selected treatment therapy to fit different symptoms of the patient, if you have determined that the other therapy is better than the technology possessed by us for the patient himself, there also are also to be recommended. That's because above all seems to be because of the patients. Of our hospital is to cherish is to help you to enjoy the release of patients upset, the healthy in your life.



Taniguchi dental office

Health and medical care

In the center of the insurance practice at our hospital, can only do our best to save their teeth, we are focusing on the maintenance (cleaning of regular your mouth) for the prevention. Please confided worries about the health of your mouth please feel free to.



Hamasaki dental clinic

Health and medical care

The Agency, weekdays until 9 pm (until Saturday evening 6 o'clock) we have medical care. You can practice with confidence in the company way home. First of all, please feel free to contact us.



Yumi ladies clinic

Health and medical care

We give Otsuki and parking free tickets.

医療法人新美会 仲町歯科クリニック

医療法人新美会 仲町歯科クリニック

Nakamachi dental clinic

Health and medical care

介護用品のケアショップ 小田原

Nursing care equipment shop Odahara

Health and medical care

Adult diapers home delivery and nursing care products sales and welfare equipment rental shop. To support the long-term care at the best the motto of ""rapid, secure and polite"". Consultation on adult diapers, nursing care and welfare equipment is to our shop! !



Kinsei internal medicine clinic

Health and medical care




Health and medical care

Short-term intensive diet gym. We support the diet to change your life in one-on-one.



Soejima dental Clinic

Health and medical care

Soejima Dental Clinic, downtown of Kagoshima Prefecture, located in Tenmonkan plush Street. Thinking of the patients of the teeth in the first, we try to early detection and early treatment. And for that, we would want to be in an easy dental clinic which carries the foot for patients. You're welcome and medical subjects, medical insurance as well as general dental practice with a focus on, periodontal disease prevention and treatment, dentures, denture, implant treatment, and further has a wide range of support us, such as bad breath treatment and whitening .




Health and medical care

In San drag and wide assortment to the motto of "peace of mind and reliability and convenient", correspondence and to your health consultation by professional staff, make the detailed description of the disease and medicine, enhanced value-added products the (pharmaceutical) It offers.



Sakasegawa Eye Clinic

Health and medical care

1-minute walk from the stop Tenmonkan power

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