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Arimura ophthalmological clinic

Health and medical care

Sunday (except for the year-end and New Year holidays, the Bon Festival · GW) holidays also has medical care.





To women to pursue their own likeness, we will propose a rich casual style with an emphasis on selection of goods in total coordination, including.



M's gracy


Feminine and elegant, a little cute. Styling proposal incorporating moderately trends. Clothes that bring out the personality of the wearer without being washed away. Grace Kelly in the image, and the clothes make you cherish the cuteness of adult women in the classical to the basic concept. From Dilley style to the party style, we have to expand the items that can be used in a variety of scenes.




Eat and Drink

Get off at Izuro communication or Asahi communication located in the Berg Square next to arcade entered was ahead of Yamagataya. Kagoshima Prefecture is the only of only two in Kyushu in the Lotteria "Taiyaki" selling out the store. Every month 10 days, 20 days, 30 days we conduct a variety of campaign the day of Lotteria. By all means when you come near you, please use the Lotteria Kagoshima Yamagataya shop.



Tokyo Shibuya dancer's school

Where to stay, play and other

Why do not you start a ballroom dancing? Anyone easily, help to enjoy. We will kindly polite lessons. Regardless beginner, experienced person. Also in the classroom private lessons, group lessons, individual lessons



Darumaya Cosmetics shop

Living and daily necessities

Cassie cosmetics, we handle chlorophyll, the Shiseido. Please consult your worries about your skin feel free to. 80 down old of poster girl (?) Also awaits you!



Fashion bag Kirinya


In the heart of the ladies bag, casual bag Men's bag Travel carry bag, wallet, etc. We handle a wide range. In particular, stocks a large number of well-known imported brand bag, we will be sold at a discount. Handling brands coach outlet Kipling, Irubizonde - Failure other import. Casual brand is such as Adidas Champion Barbie Roxy.

PEAK OF HAIR (ピークオブヘア)

PEAK OF HAIR (ピークオブヘア)

Peak of hair


Rather than a pseudo-repair, in search of hair natural beauty. We of course attention to shampoo and drugs, a microscope diagnosis, we propose a counseling menu that was in each guest. In particular, the "original Habit" with a hugely popular and trust in the person who worries in the habit is the menu with our unique and self-confidence. Simultaneous treatment of hair and nail are also popular.

有限会社 丸新玩具

有限会社 丸新玩具

Marushin toy

Living and daily necessities

Now its founding more than 80 years Thanks. Baby and children's toys, of course, Boys' product hope the growth of healthy children (battledore, Hamayumi, chick ornaments, armor, helmet, carp, etc.) offers. In addition, such as Bon lanterns to remember the individual, we aim to help and create stores that tradition left now the hearts and minds of people traveling to Japan. Please visit us by all means to feel the four seasons of the Japanese mind.



Satsuma Jokiya kakashi yokocho

Food, drink, souvenirs





We look forward to our customers in a wide range of assortment, such as Hawkins · VANS · NIKE · adidas · PUMA · CONVERSE. From sneakers such as NIKE · adidas · PUMA · CONVERSE · newbalance · VANS · Hawkinsclanks · Timbeland outdoors, business, up to a children's shoes, awaits you in a wide range of assortment. The store also, we have secured a spacious space and 1F ~ 2F. So that customers can choose slowly, kindness, we are working carefully to the motto.



Bags Maruso


The trend is certainly there in the flow, but it is not only in the last passing point. Trend will be aware, but we thought it only the chase of the products that the customers' point of view is not, and I want to stocks what is pleasing to those who were connected by sensibility.





POLICY · We are to cherish the five senses. I feel touched by hand, and observed visually and transferred to analysis to action .... On was thoroughly familiar with the material, it is sensitive to science to market weather Materials any changes while watching all of the stroke. ※ while continue to have a high-quality skills to create "human" and "person" create wealth and confidence, such as heart the freedom to express to have women in those able to feel the joy of elegance casual is Jittsuo International origin is.



Naya street Pony

Living and daily necessities

It is counseling and discount cosmetics store.



Shoes shop Syobido


Showa opened in 24 years, with a focus on women's leather shoes, men's shoes, sneakers, easy to wear, such as walking shoes, we have carefully selected easy to walk items. Women's shoes of shoes and small Queen size that will satisfy even those who are trouble in the feet (21 to 26㎝) also there is a handling. Walking shoes are subject Asics, Yonex, Bol step, the handling of Sorbo.




Living and daily necessities

Shibon will thoroughly support the clean-like lady. Shibon, it is Faye Sha list salon members exclusively has gotten patronize the cosmetics. The care of the salon, including facial care offers to the members like. In addition to the first one cosmetics and care you can try a trial plan 1500 yen Shibon (including tax) are also available. The skin of your worries tailored to cosmetics, you can check the changes in the care of before and after skin pack. Once by all means, please try to feel the skin to become beautiful.

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