HomeShops Listお仏壇・墓石の千寿 ギャラリーメモリア天文館店

お仏壇・墓石の千寿 ギャラリーメモリア天文館店


Senju of your altar [Gallery Memoria Tenmonkan] is, we are the only [modern Buddhist altar] professional gallery in Kagoshima Prefecture. And design to fit the modern interior, is your easy-care Modern Buddhist altar choosing a enshrined location. As a specialty store, snuggle in feeling to the customer's memorial service, we will help you to shape the mind to pray. Your altar, of course, including the Kamitodan, and trendy your tools, such as incense, incense, candles, your rosary, stocks a large number of things about your memorial service. Please come and visit us in the time of the shopping arcade.

Basic informationinformation

Street address 892-0827
business hours 10:00~ 18:00
Regular holiday 毎週火曜日、年末年始(12月30~1月2日)
phone number 099-227-0881
FAX number 099-227-0882
home page
Street Nakamachi Berg Street
Category 生活・日用品
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