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blow hair desigh(ブロウヘアデザイン)

blow hair desigh

You can also leave it with confidence towards the adult generation because it is an experienced woman hairdresser. Suffer from damage by repeating the color or perm .... We are in trouble if there is no Hari Kosi volume to the hair .... I'm sure would be convinced if I try every day a damage-free treatment and hair growth care "blow"! ♪ try to leave it all means to rely on female hairdresser us to the hair of the support in order to continue to spend all day feeling well

Basic informationinformation

Street address 892-0842
business hours 10:00~ 19:00
Regular holiday 毎週月曜日・第3火曜日
phone number 099-298-9529
FAX number
Street 天文館パークアベニュー
Category ビューティ
Hair salon

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