HomeShops Listよかど鹿児島


Yokado Kagoshima

A completely cashless commercial facility lined with restaurants and shops that are popular with locals.
The annex building is a restaurant area where you can taste beef, pork, and eel, which Kagoshima is proud of nationwide.
The head office building has a product sales area that collects Kagoshima specialties and a cafe area where you can relax while letting the children play.
Since cash cannot be used for payment in the facility, please use credit cards, cash cards, Edy, and various QR code payments (depending on the store).

Basic informationinformation

Street address 892-0822
business hours 11:00~ 21:00
Regular holiday 毎月第二火曜日・1月1日
phone number 099-239-5566
FAX number 099-225-6615
home page
Street Kinsei Street
Category 食べる・飲む
Cafe Suites

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