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#【随時更新】新型コロナウイルスから天文館を守ろう!!#新型コロナウイルス対策に取り組む店を独自で認定する制度#天文館クリスマスイベント特集#天文館商店街のラーメン店#天文館3通り合同プレミアム付商品券使用可能店舗について#天文館みつばちプロジェクト 2022始まります。#センテラス天文館OPEN!#天文館オープン情報#【終了】天文館本通りハッピークリスマスコンサート#【終了】天文館交差点のアーケード設計等業者を募集します#【終了】天文館こどもフェスティバル#天文館通り電停前アーケードデザイン案に対する市民意見を募集します#【終了】照国表参道 フェスタ-Terukuni omotesandou festa-#【終了】キッズフリマ-センテラスホール#【終了】松丸亮吾トークショー#【終了】第13回鹿児島天文館まちゼミの講座募集#【終了】2023和装フェスINセンテラス天文館#よかど鹿児島6月のイベント#天文館のビアガーデン#天文館はちみつ2023#【終了】鹿児島ジャズフェスティバル#【終了】兜展示&かぶり体験#第3弾 Payどん×天文館プレミアムポイント使用店舗リスト#【終了】第14回鹿児島天文館まちゼミの講座募集#みんなでつくるアーケード〜令和7年1月完成予定#【終了】照国ホコ天〜照国表参道 歩行者天国#【終了】土木フェスタ2023 in ぴらも〜る・天文館本通#【終了】2024 4館合同グルメ満載福袋#【終了】アサヒ生ビール 出張マルエフ横丁in鹿児島#【終了】NASU FARM VILLAGE POP UP#【終了】かごしまデザインアワード10回記念 トークショー&マルシェ#【終了】天文館のバレンタインデー#【終了】伝統的工芸品を体感しよう!in センテラス天文館#【終了】令和6年能登半島地震チャリティーイベント#【終了】鹿屋市×九州電力 カーボンニュートラルクイズラリー#【終了】大島紬フェスティバル 2024#黒ノ壽 展望春のビアホール#第4弾 Payどん×天文館プレミアムポイント#【終了】ソラニワマルシェ〜パンピクニック〜#よかど鹿児島マンスリーイベント#毎⽉15⽇はいづろハッピーデーからのご案内#千石天神縁起市#まるやのビアガーデン#やまかたや パンとカフェのマルシェ & 初夏に味わう!ワイン&フードフェア#エコテラスマルシェ#【父の日イベント】MARUYA BASE#〈ご予約承り中!〉第2回 ソムリエと楽しむプレミアムディナー
ローソン 天文館アーケード

ローソン 天文館アーケード

Lawson Tenmonkan

Living and daily necessities

-Warm station in town- Facilities / services ATM, FAX, photo print, copy, liquor, MACHI cafe, Wi-Fi, network print, Lawson beacon, soft ice

介護用品のケアショップ 小田原

Nursing care equipment shop Odahara

Health and medical care

Adult diapers home delivery and nursing care products sales and welfare equipment rental shop. To support the long-term care at the best the motto of ""rapid, secure and polite"". Consultation on adult diapers, nursing care and welfare equipment is to our shop! !



Satsuma Jokiya kakashi yokocho

Food, drink, souvenirs



Kinunomise Kubo


Performs planning, manufacturing in-house, we sell directly at the over-the-counter. Original women's clothing with a focus on silk material it is sold at Shop reasonable price. Please come and visit us.




Eat and Drink

Mysterious space over the fantasy of the world is infinite Infinity- You can spend the Magic tarot Tamara healing and smell good time in the rich coffee. Children also seem to forget that the lapse of a time so enjoy together. You can experience the traditional tarot transmitted to the south of France of trading port Marseille.



second street


Is the reuse shop of apparel specialty.

楽しい手芸の店 まきの

楽しい手芸の店 まきの

Handicraft goods store Makino

Living and daily necessities

Founded in 1929, expand the seven stores in Kagoshima prefecture as southern Kyushu, the largest of the handicraft shop. Life on the cloth, Sewing Supplies, Sewing supplies, knitting supplies ornaments to goods, is a large handicraft shop almost anything aligned if commodity surrounding handicraft.

山本のハンバーグ 天文館

山本のハンバーグ 天文館

yamamotonohambagu temmonkan

Eat and Drink

Opening August 10, 2022 Directly connected to the production area by teaming up with producers We offer specialty hamburgers.   ▼Business hours 11:30-15:00 (Lo14:30) 17:30-21:00 (Lo 20:30)



Able network

Where to stay, play and other

Nationwide about 800 network the room looking for the support ☆ Able network Tenmonkan shop of everyone in the store, so we have to start the entire city corresponding astronomical museum, according to everyone's needs, will be widely introduce. Since the cage is also female staff, we also many receiving your visit the person who one lives of women. Customer satisfaction best to you I am healthy allowed to open every day. So we will wait staff for your visit of everyone, not please drop us.





15 minutes 1,000 yen relaxation massage that can be in without a reservation - man is also OK.



United salon kagoshima


A unique watch and rare piece watch of the world to you. Rich in design and personality Gagamirano, all 14 brand watch such as Mekanike-Verochi is peace of mind genuine. Of course in Kagoshima only here!

favori 天文館店

favori 天文館店

favori tenmonkanten

Food, drink, souvenirs

We will deliver delicious freshly baked bread using local Kagoshima ingredients and carefully selected domestic ingredients. Popular items such as golden soybean flour sticky bread and black pork sweet curry bread! Please enjoy this gem of bread that you wouldnt believe is priced at 110 yen excluding tax. If you buy bread, you can drink coffee for free. All the staff are looking forward to your visit.




Living and daily necessities

100 Yen shop



Kino Japanese clothing

Where to stay, play and other

Band is signed in front of the body, turn to Kurutsu and back! It is kimono dressing classroom ""before concluding"" wearing method. Dressing is rhythm and a handful of tips. Please Experience once by all means.



Naya street Pony

Living and daily necessities

It is counseling and discount cosmetics store.



Cortanu shop

Living and daily necessities

We proposed a ""relaxing after 9"" and ""health and beauty"". The etymology of Korutenu has Cortina Karaki in Latin. There is a sense that the ""circle of people"" or ""wrap around"". In Korutenu SHOP, and come here ""likely to meet someone !!"", and is why healed, and ""tomorrow or Ganbarou !!"", the aim of such a space-making, relax your after-9, health and beauty on the theme, we have proposed a friendly space to people. Relaxing interior shop that is shining one by one to the kindness of the goods. Please come to play by all means once.

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